Dr. Walter's upcoming book Contested City: Citizen Advocacy and Survival in Modern Baghdad will be published in February 2025 with Stanford University Press.
In addition, Dr. Walter recently co-authored an article for the International Journal of Middle East Studies:
"The Politics of Memory in Contemporary Baghdad: A Comparative Neighborhood Study." International Journal of Middle East Studies 55, no. 2 (2023): 353-361.
Dr. Hughes recently published a chapter in an edited volume and book review:
"Women Missionaries and the Evangelization of Women in Africa," in Palgrave Handbook of African Christianity from Apostolic Times to the Present (Palgrave Macmillan, 2024).
Creation of Cultural Knowledge, and the Making of the Luba Katanga, David Maxwell. The Journal of Religion in Africa 54.2 (2024): 246-48.
Congrats to our 2024 graduates!

Check out Dr. Hughes' recent article!

“Expanding the Bounds of Christianity and Feminism: Mabel Shaw and the Women of Mbereshi, Northern Rhodesia, 1915-1940,” was published in The Journal of Religion in Africa 52 (2022): 22-51.
A look back on Professor Holsinger in 2017 and his work in 1973!

Professor of History Don Holsinger was an invited speaker on the panel “Remembering the Schowalter Oral History Project: A Fifty-Year Retrospective” at Bethel College in North Newton, Kansas, on October 14. The panel was part of the exhibition “Voices of Conscience: Peace Witness in the Great War,” developed by Kauffman Museum and Bethel College, with support from the Kansas Humanities Council. As a senior history major at Bethel College in 1969-70 and at the height of the Vietnam War, Don conducted and tape recorded interviews in ten states with men who had been drafted during World War I to serve in the military. Most of the men interviewed were Mennonite conscientious objectors at a time when there was no provision for religious conscientious objection to war. Their stories were often harrowing — many of the interviewees were also German speaking — during the hyper-nationalistic fever of 1917-18. A number of these 50-year-old recordings are now available online, offering a new generation opportunities to listen to the voices of their great-great-grandfathers reflecting on the difficulties of serving both God and country during wartime.
(Above previously written by Fac/Staff Bulletin Editor)
Click here to view/hear the recordings and find a link to the transcript!
Click here to read an article write up on Dr. Holsinger and his fellow colleagues.
Read this lovely article about Hindsight History Club's recent trivia night on campus!

Our very own Dr. Walter has been Honored with the Graves Award in Humanities! This is a prestigious award that rewards "outstanding accomplishment in actual teaching in the humanities by younger faculty members". Click here to read more about this exciting recognition!

Read a wonderful article by the SPU Falcon featuring our Chair, Dr. Becky Hughes and Professor Dr. Alissa Walter. It covers their February 16th event hosted by SPRINT and MECHA.

Check out this wonderful article in The Falcon on Dr. Darrell Allen! He is a professor of East Asian History and also teaches many sections of UCOR 2000 for us.

Dr. Don Holsinger (Professor Emeritus of History) has published a chapter “The Road to Ghardaia: Investigating a Community Deep in the Sahara Leads to the Study of Global History” in MENNONITES AND POST-COLONIAL AFRICAN STUDIES, published by Routledge. The book chronicles the lives of twenty-two academics and practitioners whose work spans from the immediate post-colonial period in the 1960's up to the present day. Holsinger recounts how his experience teaching English in Algeria in the 1970's prepared him to become a teacher/scholar of African, Middle East, and global history.
Take a look at the book details by clicking here!

Dr. Bill Woodward (Professor Emeritus of History) was featured on KCPQ-SEA (FOX) to talk about the electoral college.

Take a look by clicking here!